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Preparing for an interview


First impressions as always, count. There are some simple things you can do that will impress the people you interview.

Let your receptionist know that you are interviewing so that your interviewee receives a suitable welcome.

Making sure the interview starts on time shows respect and consideration.

Pre prepare your interview questions and make them specific to someone’s CV – those that interview well are generally interviewed well. A good interviewer will give someone the opportunity to shine by asking questions that prompt interesting answers.

If you are planning to show someone your department, forewarn your team. Make sure someone’s potential working environment is appealing.

It is very important to remember that your company is being assessed by the jobseeker from the moment they check your website until they get home from the interview. They have given up a number of hours of their time to attend interview and will value any constructive feedback even if they are not successful.

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